Jake Long
American Dragon: Jake Long
American Dragon: Jake Long is an American animated television series produced by Walt Disney Television Animation. It aired on the Disney Channel from January 2005 to September 2007. Created by Jeff Goode, the series follows Jake Long, a Chinese-American teenager who can transform into a dragon and is tasked with protecting the magical creatures living secretly among humans in New York City. test
Jake Long, a 13-year-old skateboarder, discovers he is a descendant of dragons and must balance his everyday teenage life with his responsibilities as the American Dragon. Under the guidance of his grandfather Lao Shi and accompanied by his friends Trixie and Spud, Jake fights against various magical threats, including his nemesis the Huntsman and the Dark Dragon.
Main Characters
- Jake Long: A half-human, half-dragon teenager voiced by Dante Basco. He is cool, laid-back, and speaks in rapper slang. His dragon abilities include flight, fire breath, and super strength.
- Luong Lao Shi: Jake's grandfather and former Chinese Dragon, voiced by Keone Young. He trains Jake in the ways of the dragon.
- Fu Dog: A 600-year-old magical Shar-Pei and Lao Shi's companion, voiced by John DiMaggio.
- Trixie Carter: One of Jake's best friends, a street-smart girl voiced by Miss Kittie.
- Arthur P. "Spud" Spudinski: Jake's other best friend, a loyal but somewhat dim-witted boy voiced by Charlie Finn.
- Haley Long: Jake's younger sister, who also has dragon powers, voiced by Amy Bruckner.
- Rose/Huntsgirl: Jake's love interest and a dragon slayer, voiced by Mae Whitman.
Supporting Characters
- Susan Long: Jake and Haley's mother, who does not possess dragon abilities, voiced by Lauren Tom.
- Jonathan Long: Jake and Haley's father, unaware of his family's magical heritage, voiced by Jeff Bennett.
- The Huntsman: Leader of the Huntsclan, voiced by Jeff Bennett.
- The Dark Dragon: The primary antagonist after the Huntsman, voiced by Clancy Brown.
- Bananas B.: A monkey and former guardian of Jake who betrays him, voiced by Adam Wylie.
- Councilor Chang: A former member of the Dragon Council, voiced by Lauren Tom.
The series ran for two seasons with a total of 52 episodes. It features various story arcs where Jake faces different challenges, balancing his life as a high school student and a magical protector.
The show explores themes of identity, responsibility, and the struggle to balance different aspects of life. It also incorporates elements of Chinese mythology and American culture, reflecting Jake's heritage and his role as a bridge between worlds.
The series was praised for its unique premise, diverse characters, and humor. It has maintained a loyal fanbase and is remembered for its catchy theme song and engaging storylines.
Cultural Impact
American Dragon: Jake Long remains a beloved series among fans of early 2000s Disney Channel shows. Its blend of action, fantasy, and teenage drama continues to resonate with audiences.[1]
Jake Long
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September 6, 2024
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